And just like that,
a long weekend evaporates.
I am so back in the office.


MisterNihil said...

I am in awe of your prowess.
I haven't pulled off a four-day weekend in, like, ever. Discounting "a week of vacation," I haven't missed more than three days in a long dang time. I gotta work on that.
What's your secret?

Sharon said...

Outlook's out-of-office wizard.

Fred said...

I've managed, thus far, a twelve-day weekend. The secret? Quitting my job.

I think you have the better deal.

MisterNihil said...

Man, I would quit. I would so quit, but it would mean I wouldn't have anything to do. Oh well.

Fred said...

You know, I don't think that would be so bad, if I could just convince somebody to pay me for it.