Oh, I was thinking of you, Mr. Anonymous. I'd like to schedule a massage sometime soon. My back is being very unpleasant. (Hot tub was lovely, but there wasn't quite enough room to sit right and let my lower back open up. Kinda, y'know, *crowded*.) If you're there tonight, I'll ask you about scheduling.
But what a lovely crowd it was. ;) I won't be at game night tonight. I'm being taken by Kori to the Amy's prom. I have an hour available anytime next weekend, if you're interested... You can even soak first.
Congratulations! See, you deserved that hot tub soak. :)
Oh, I was thinking of you, Mr. Anonymous. I'd like to schedule a massage sometime soon. My back is being very unpleasant. (Hot tub was lovely, but there wasn't quite enough room to sit right and let my lower back open up. Kinda, y'know, *crowded*.) If you're there tonight, I'll ask you about scheduling.
Thanks for the party!
But what a lovely crowd it was. ;) I won't be at game night tonight. I'm being taken by Kori to the Amy's prom. I have an hour available anytime next weekend, if you're interested... You can even soak first.
Congratulations, Jon.
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