I rode the bus!

All by myself!

Just like...

a kid.

Funny how these things

come full circle.


Fred said...

Um...you'd never ridden the bus by yourself before?

Sharon said...

*tsk* "Full circle." Yes, I'd ridden the bus before. I used to ride a city bus every day, from 6th through 12th grade. I just haven't, but once or twice, in Austin, and I'm not familiar with the streets on the route, so I was a little nervous.

I think, however, that I'll be able to bring my Alphasmart and get tons of writing done. And I love the morning walk. (I'm thankful that Jon will pick me up in the evenings, when it's steamy hot.)

The crossing guard held up her sign for me and walked me across the intersection, too. I could get used to this.

Zallekin said...

Congratulations! Just kidding. Be glad you don't live near the elementary school in my neighborhood. Three people have driven their cars into it in the last two years. Dangerous for anyone walking (at the time), which is sad.

Anyway, I'm getting a big group together to go see 'Troy' at the Drafthouse this Friday. Anyone wanna go?

Sharon said...

Oy. Troy looks intriguing. We'll be moving that day, so a movie would probably be a welcome change. ...Opening night, though? *cringe* Village or Lake Creek, and what time?

Anonymous said...

I was thinking Village, but if it's playing at Lake Creek and it's more convenient, I guess we could talk about that. Either the 7PM or 10PM show, whichever I can get more folks to agree to.

Sharon said...

I endorse Village at 7pm.

Zallekin said...

I went online and got tickets for the show you endorse earlier today. Alamo Village at 7PM. Be there or be ^2-ed.